Perpetual Protocol

Perpetual Protocol FiyatPERP

790. Sıra



Hakkında Perpetual Protocol (PERP)



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Perpetual protocol is a decentralized perpetual contract protocol that supports any asset. It is implemented through virtual automated market maker (vamm). Through the perpetual protocol, traders can trade directly through vamm without a counterparty. Through vamm, if an asset has its price data in the chain - the perpetual data comes from chainlink, uniswap or other Oracle -perpetual protocol, it can create a perpetual contract belonging to the asset. In the near future, anyone can create a new contract market on the platform and cancel some transaction fees, just like the current liquidity providers on uniswap. Perp is a native functional token of the platform and has the following two purposes: Governance: token holders can use their tokens to vote on the next asset to be put on the shelves, or affect the development direction of the agreement. Pledge: the token holder can place his token as a mortgagor on the platform and obtain the mortgage reward and part of the transaction handling fee. The pledged token also has the right to protect the market.

Perpetual Protocol (PERP) Fiyat Trendleri

24H Yüksek$0.4811
24H Düşük$0.4419
24S Hacim$16.24K
Piyasa Değeri
Tüm Zamanların En Yüksek Seviyesi (ATH)$24.40
Sirkülasyondaki Arz
72.60M PERP
Tüm Zamanların En Düşük Seviyesi(ATL)$0.3163
Toplam Arz
150.00M PERP
Piyasa Değeri/FDV
Maksimum Arz
150.00M PERP
Tam Seyreltilmiş Değerleme
Piyasa DuyarlılığıPozitif

Canlı Perpetual Protocol (PERP) Fiyat Güncellemesi

Bugün Perpetual Protocol fiyatı $0.479 olup 24 saatlik işlem hacmi $16.24K'dir ve bu nedenle Perpetual Protocol, $34.93M piyasa değerine sahiptir ve 0.0026% piyasa hakimiyetine sahiptir. Son 24 saatte Perpetual Protocol fiyatı +5.59% hareket etti.

Zaman aralığı
Değişim miktarı
Değişim %

Güvenilirlik Göstergeleri

Güvenilirlik Puanı
Sıralama #95
Yüzdelik DilimTOP 5%


Multicoin CapitalMulticoin Capital
Binance LabsBinance Labs
CMS HoldingsCMS Holdings
Alameda ResearchAlameda Research
Three Arrows CapitalThree Arrows Capital


Flaş Haberleri

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